Corona Times – Quarantine Day 1

Happy Friday the 13th.

I woke up with a sore throat. Fortunately (but regrettably) I didn’t have to go to the Adler to teach and rehearse the performance – for 20 students from Birmingham High School, because LAUSD cancelled all field trips. We were going to rehearse at the Gilbert this morning, but due to Coronavirus – Covid-19, the performance and rehearsals have been postponed.

Personally, I don’t think LAUSD is over-reacting, at all. We should have closed the school earlier but we didn’t (or don’t) have any supporting system for these kids to be out of school – especially for working parents. Being a full-time mom/ dad is a luxury nowadays.

Also, as far as a field trip goes … we need fewer people taking public transportation. We are following data – that is not fully recorded nor available to us. “Vulnerable” people are not being tested – due to the lack of tests kits – and we do not know which areas “virus” has been spread and resides.

So, I don’t need to wake up at 7 am. I tried to sleep in… but I’m all worried. I know it’s bronchitis – because I get it every winter… But Did I get a coronavirus, in addition? If so, where? Or did I already passed on to others? Checking Twitter and Reuter news feed as I tried to sleep didn’t help my nightmare.

So, I quarantine myself – and my fam fam. This is DAY 1.

I finish reading a book. That’s an achievement for this ADHD theatre person.

Since it was raining, so we moved a car out and let Squi play basketball in the garage. So privileged..

We didn’t GO OUT at all – and I am determined to use up whatever I can in the pantry and the fridge before I go grocery shopping.

Breakfast: My turn to – comfort food. Natto, (instant) miso soup, (instant) Rice.

Dinner – Chicken soup (put all veggies available) – and rice (Squi and Michael had it with pasta)

Movie: Matrix
Steps: 243 … because I don’t carry my phone with me when I’m at home.

After the din din, we did some arts and crafts project that we have been putting off. We will make the best of it.

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