Back from Japan!

Well, I thought three week trip with a three year old child will be too much.

But it wasn’t.   I miss it already.

Sure, we ate great food, went fabulous historical sites, bought most ridiculous and odd toys.   However, the most memorable part of this trip was the PEOPLE.

Usually, we only spend 10 to 14 days, and we go there to WORK WORK WORK.

This time, we had three days in Kyoto and two days off in Tokyo and Okinawa – and we were able to chill and chat with people.

I have been living in the States for more than half of my life.  So I forgot how gracious and funny Japanese people are when you are not in the business situation.

(and even with a child, I felt welcomed at restaurants, especially at the NINJA restaurant with my bro)

Well, I will post more pictures once I am over with my jetlag.



FINALLY!!! We were able to spend some OFF TIME in Kyoto. We used AIR B & B.

Tokyo Trip

Squi loved his kids plate. The plate made sound with the dry ice smoke … Over the topness…


Squi performed his JINGLE BELL – at a local “secret” Izakaya place. The best meal ever.


In Okinawa, kids are included in the social life more than anywhere I have visited. I admire that!

With my Okinawan sister CHARU's family.   Her salon is

With my Okinawan sister CHARU’s family. Her salon is

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